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Small and lightly-built but well-endowed,Griselda would be considered extremely beautiful if it were not for her occasional ability to chill the blood with a savage expression. Her skin is pale,her shoulder-length hair orange-red, her face somewhat narrow, with a high forehead, full lips,and large blue eyes; her voice is soft and medium pitched. She is by far the most intelligent member of the gang, and at age 24 has had considerable experience in Dragon Pass and its environs.She rather likes Pavis’ atmosphere, and joined up with Wolfhead for this reason. She feels affection for him, but her actions are always governed by self-interest and survival, and she would desert him much more readily than he would her. She is the most impatient with their forced confinement, and this gives an edge to her occasional nagging about the gang’s cleanliness about which she would like to be fastidious. This, and the fact that she has so quickly become the effective second-in-command causes Simbal and,to a lesser degree, Fylchar, to resent her, which may surface at moments of crisis. If she did not survive an attack, and Wolfhead did, he would avenge her,and require other survivors to help; but if they both went down, any survivors would not make such an attempt. Griselda belongs to a Pavic family who moved to Alone (in Sartar) some time ago. She is a remote cousin of Wolfhead’s. Invited to join the local Thieves’ Guild, she served her 5-year apprenticeship doing extremely well, but did not commit herself wholly, and remains a lay member of Lanbril’s cult. This is symptomatic of her detachedness; she has few loyalties, though easily able to inspire affection and respect in others when she wants. After finishing her apprenticeship, she knocked about for a few years (during which she made the acquaintance of Pikat Yaraboom, who took to her); she bought further training and magic, and found it politic to become a lay member of Orlanth Adventurous. Learning of her brother’s death in the Rubble,she came to Pavis almost broke but without debts, and involved Wolfhead in the plot to settle accounts with Lucky Eddi, a con man. Lucky Eddi would lead people into the Rubble and then sell them to trolls. In the process of destroying Eddi,she somehow managed to slay a Death Lord of Zorak Zoran (at least, that’s what everyone says).The trolls of the Rubble are fairly friendly to her,possibly as a result of that exploit or her friendship to Pikat Yaraboom. Griselda knows many battle magic spells andis extremely creative in their use. She is quick with a spell, and always keeps them in mind. She has slain several men and women in town who had good reputations as fighters and spell slingers. She has contacts with a Sable clan and Sor-Eel, and most of the important female Rune levels in town respect her tough independence, even if their cults officially dislike her due to the Great Chart Caper


Paul Cubbin


Feb 1984

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Last modified: Mon Dec 06 2021 by Orclord