Another of the more sought after Warbands, why this one needed 4 different captains is anybody's guess, but they are cool.
Mark Harrison / Seth Nash
Lil Legends Studio / Unknown
TC16 2001
Kislevite Warband
Kislevite Captain 1
Kislevite Captain 2
Kislevite Captain 3
Kislevite Captain 4
Kislevite Henchman 1
Kislevite Henchman 2
Kislevite Henchman 3
Kislevite Henchman 4
Kislevite Youngblood 1
Kislevite Youngblood 2
Kislevite Youngblood 3
Kislevite Youngblood 4
Kislevite Bear
Kislevite Bear Tamer
Kislevite Bear Tamer Conversion